Click & Collect
- What is Click & Collect?
With our complimentary Click & Collect service, you can place your order during our business hours and collect it the following business day from 12pm at one of our collection points below. No shipping cost, no hassle.
- Where can I Click & Collect
Currently, customers can collect their orders from either of the two collection points below.
Address Option 1:
The Refuel Station at The Grille Shack and PitStop Lodge
Clarence Drive Off R44, Gordons Bay Central
Cape Town
Address Option 2:
39 Beach Road, Gordons Bay Central
Cape Town
Upon checkout, select Click & Collect. Then select a collection option most convenient to you. In nearly all cases, orders placed before our business closing time will be available for collection from 12pm the next business day.
- When will my order be ready to collect?
You will receive a ‘Ready to Collect’ email to confirm that your order has arrived at the selected collection point. Please wait for this confirmation email before you collect your order. Your order will be ready to collect from 12pm on your chosen collection point and date and will be available for 7 days.
- How do I collect my order?
In addition to a valid identification document, bring your ‘Ready to Collect’ email to the collection point—printed or phone copies will be accepted